Home > Players transmarket value rankingsMarvin Esquivel
Marvin Esquivel

#27 Marvin Esquivel

Club: AD Guanacasteca

Age: 31

Nationality: Costa Rica

Position:Midfield - Central Midfield



League:Primera División Verano


Contract expires:-

Value(€): 0 Last update:2022-08-12

Marvin Esquivel in World ranking:41849

Marvin Esquivel in Costa Rica ranking:769

Marvin Esquivel in Primera División Verano ranking: 94

Marvin Esquivel in AD Guanacasteca ranking:15


Marvin Esquivel,Nationality is Costa Rica,was born on Jun24,1993 in Costa Rica,Standing at a height of 1,74CM,he excels in the positions of Midfield - Central Midfield, Currently playing in AD Guanacasteca,wears the number27 jersey now,As of Aug12,2022,his updated transmarket value is 。

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